The odor under your arms isn't caused by perspiration, which is comprised mostly of water and salt. In fact, it's caused by bacteria that is attracted to the places where you sweat the most. If you want to stop underarm odor, regularly clean your armpits and shirts, and apply antiperspirant twice daily to reduce sweating. Applying home remedies like diluted hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, or cornstarch may also reduce odor-causing bacteria, and changing your diet to avoid pungent foods and increase your overall health can fight odor from the inside out.
The truth is, in my clinical experience, I rarely see men doing the leaving. Men compartmentalize. They withdraw into work, hobbies, fantasy, or addiction. They cheat or carry on secret lives and secret affairs. They might create situations that make it impossible for a marriage or relationship to continue. Men also suffer silently, shouldering massive burdens. The men I work with often have a high tolerance for disconnection. They might leave a dissatisfying relationship in spirit (sometimes they never fully arrive), but they are unlikely to leave in body. Certainly the description above does not fit all men, but the general patterns I see in my couples counselling practice recur too often to ignore.
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